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Original Air Date: Wednesday 21 July 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)
Interop is a key issue in Ultra HD technology from glass (camera) to glass (screen), and the Forum with its member companies has had this focus right from the start and over the last six years we have applied our efforts to HDMI signaling, HDR decode, HFR production, HFR distribution and Static/Dynamic Metadata handling. For the last six months we have been looking at Interoperability in OTT (Over The Top) – looking at how Ultra HD content is handled by the end-to-end ecosystem of OTT streaming providers with particular focus on the handling of the last mile and the delivery to the screen. The work is far from finished but the learnings that we will present are the state-of-the-art understanding of the challenges and opportunities for Ultra HD technologies in streaming services to the consumer. Come along to see where we are and what the future holds.

Ian Nock
Founder and Principal Consultant, Fairmile West
Ian Nock has over 23 years working from glass to glass in TV and Video. He leads the consulting company Fairmile West, founded in 2012, in supplying product technology strategy and delivery consultancy and expertise for video services and consumer devices to TV and Video Service companies. This covers services and products that use satellite, cable, IPTV and OTT delivery mechanisms. In addition, Ian supports the development and promotion of the use of next generation Video technologies and services through being the Chair of the Ultra HD Forum Interoperability Group since 2017 and previously the Chair of the IET Media Technical Network from 2018 to 2021.
He is a member of the SMPTE, IET, IEEE, RTS and Fellow of the SCTE: The Society for Broadband Professionals.
He blogs on the Fairmile West company blog at fairmilewest.com/blog, on LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/iannock) and can be found on Twitter at @iannock.

Ben Schwarz
As consultant, analyst and blogger, Ben is recognized as an international thought leader in the converging media space. After 10 years in IT at Logica CMG, he ran technology for a music start-up. Ben spent the next 10 years in telecoms with Orange, aligning strategy to a world with Internet. He ran innovation programs launching several media-based services including IPTV in Europe and Africa. Since 2008 he has run his own company, CTO innovation Consulting, now helping international clients with strategy, business modeling and technology. With the ever-increasing pace of change, Ben has written many White Papers on content distribution and agility that intertwine a business and technology narrative. He has been an active member of the Ultra HD Forum from its creation where he endeavors to explain next generation TV and entertainment as the Chair of the Comms Working Group. He lives in Paris and his social media name is nebul2.